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Leadership Graduation Pin

Apply Today! | Experiential Learning Leadership Pins

The Experiential Learning Leadership Pin honors graduating students who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment to leadership both on- and off-campus. This recognition is awarded to those who have embraced experiential opportunities, allowing these experiences to shape them into exemplary Bobcats. These students have gone above and beyond, applying their knowledge and skills to student leadership in service of their campus community and beyond! 

The Souza Leadership Center, in partnership with the Division of Undergraduate Education, commend our students who excel in learning through hands-on experiences. These experiential opportunities not only contribute to personal growth but also foster a deeper connection with the community and in creating a sense of belonging for students at UC Merced. By engaging in real-world leadership opportunities, our students become prepared to become the next generation of leaders and social change agents, making a lasting impact on the lives of those they serve. 

In order to be eligible for the Leadership Graduation Pin one or more of these criterias must be met: 

  • Participation in one or more of our Leadership programs: (in order to be eligible students must have completed the entirety of the program.)
    • Yosemite Leadership Program
    • Bobcat Leadership Seminar
    • Leadership & Service LLC
    • Lift While You Lead
    • Best You, Best Future
  • OR Participation in one or more of the following Leadership Experiences
    • Associated Students of UC Merced (ASUCM) 
    • Campus Activities Board (CAB)
    • Previously held or currently holds a leadership position in a Registered Club or Organization or Sorority/Fraternity (e.g. President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc.)
  • OR OTHER (form will ask you to describe your experience, and will require adminstrative approval) 

Why should I apply? 

  • The valuable experiential opportunities serve as valuable experience
  • The opportunity to leave a lasting legacy and strong impact on your community
  • Recognition for your hardwork and dedication

How do I apply?

When students are approaching graduation they will receive an email with instructions on how to apply along with the form that must be filled out. All graduating students should be checking their UCM email on a regular basis!

Have Questions? 

Email us at or come visit us at KL 172 for any questions or clarifications!